Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Today I Feel Like A Platypus

so here are some interesting facts about Platypussies (taken from iloveindia.com
  • A platypus swims with its eyes, ears and nostrils shut. It propels forward with the help of its forefeet. The hind feet are used for the purpose of brakes and steering.
  • When a platypus is on land, it turns back the webs on its front feet, in order to reveal broad nails that help it in walking.
  • A platypus feeds on flies, small shrimps, worms, insect larvae and small aquatic creatures.
  • Platypuses locate their prey with the help of electric signals from their bodies, with sensors on their bill.
  • Platypuses mate in the water. However, the female lays the eggs on land, in a breeding burrow up to 20m long.
  • The female platypus lays 1 to 3 eggs, which she incubates between her abdomen and tail.
  • Since the female platypus does not have nipples, its young ones suck milk from patches on the abdomen.
  • A platypus must consume at least one quarter of its body weight each day. This is why; it spends around 12 hrs every day looking for food.
  • Platypuses have been classified as "near threatened" by IUCN and are named on its Red List. The main reason for this is their susceptibility to water pollution.
  • Platypus is one of the few venomous mammals. The male platypus can delivers a poison, causing severe pain to humans, through a spur on its hind foot.
  • Platypuses live near freshwater rivers or lakes and create burrows for shelter and protection.
  • A platypus has a flat furry tail that stores fats for the winter season. The tail is also used as a rudder for steering.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Foetus No-Man

god i love this song. everything about it is just perfect. the sound kria makes is out of this world. anyone who hasn't checked these guys out needs to for their own good

Thursday, February 4, 2010

10 Reasons I Hate My Life

1. My girlfriend hates me (rightfully so).
2. My roommates are gone.
3. I keep missing my Digital Tools class.
4. I seam to have become an idiot at some point.
5. I have no social skills.
6. I miss my friends and family.
7. I considered jumping off the Broadway Bridge this morning. But than I realized it wasn't high enough and was too lazy to ride my bike to the much more tall Fremont Bridge. so kinda failed at that one.
8. Im just running out of reason to continue.
9. I have a addiction to fast food.
10. My girlfriend really hates me now (rightfully so).

Friday, January 29, 2010

This I Am Pretty Sure Of

Im pretty sure I should have started listening
to these guys sooner.
Im like 83% sure they p
ut crack in it.
Im pretty sure this is going to make my di
ck explodes and then the pieces will fall o
n the ground and a tree will grow in it's pl

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Boredom Is The Best Catalyst

this is my first post ever. ive never had my very own blog before. i started this blog for a few reasons. 1. i have a 4 hour window between classes on tuesdays and thursdays and i need something constructive to do with that time besides homework. 2..... i dont know. thats about it i guess.

so from now on i will try to post some interesting shit.